Thursday, September 19, 2013

goo goo goo and ta ta.

I haven't been to a library since before we left on our voyage throughout the states. I used to visit my local library at least twice a week after working my 5:15AM-2:00PM job. The library became a habit. I would write up a list, during the week, of things I wanted to request on the library's website. Then, come Monday morning, after I had my early dispatch covered, I would type the title's or author's or description's into the tool bars and wait while the apocalyptic-ly slow Internet would send out such an inquiry. In a few days, I would then receive an email telling me that my items were in. And it was glorious. I miss spending hours, full whole days, walking around the library, my head tilted to easier read the spines. I miss the security of having things waiting for me. I don't get mail. I don't have anything that keeps me on the radar. Except a car payment, which is taken care of. I am a regular old nobody in the grand scheme of government and society. And I have to say, this is what I have waited my entire life for. The road has yet to disappoint me. If anything, it has made me more aware. Ready for things I thought of only in dreams. Now, if it would just show me a winning scratch ticket.

Anyway, we walked into the local library 'round these parts and I swear to you, when those doors swung open, they sang. We spent two hours in there. I easily would have stayed all the live long day. I cut the trip short and took home five books. I have already read three. And that was only yesterday and today. Reading is great. Everyone should do it.

Go read a book. 

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